Chapel Club at the Talking Heads The hype has slowly been growing around refined indie rockers Chapel Club.

Currently touring to promote their debut album ‘Palace’, they graced the Talking Heads with their sparse and elegant music.

Opening with the beautiful ‘Surfacing’, the crowd were instantly swept off their feet, before the band moved seamlessly into ‘Blind’, evoking an active response from the audience.

Chapel Club then launched into the former iTunes single of the week ‘O Maybe I’, causing the dancing mass to go crazy. The lead singer seemed totally absorbed in his audience’s response, and they in turn moved fluidly, transfixed by Interpol-esque sounds. The intensity was broken by the thunderous applause and a lone thumbs up from a true devotee in the midst of the throng.

As the all-too-short set – a mere 45 minutes - came to a close, the crowd, full of young and old alike, were jumping up and down to the sound of ‘All The Eastern Girls’, and at the request of the audience, ‘Five Trees’. The band chose to leave us with lead singer Lewis Bowman’s favourite song from the album; ‘The Shore’, a perfect final bow to finish an engaging show.

London based Chapel Club may think they are just a “small band”, but with a sound like Interpol and Spinto Band combined, plus added bite, this time next year I don’t think they will be playing some small yet packed venue on the same night as the Brits; I think we could see them at the Brits.