NEW Moon, the latest film in the Twilight saga, is still pulling in the punters several weeks after its release.

It now holds the record for the biggest grossing first day in movie history and is still raking it in – despite some pretty rotten reviews.

One friend, who shall remain nameless for her own credibility, pretty much has her own seat at the Odeon after sitting through it an unbelievable five times.

I seem to be one of a very small brigade of anti Twi-hards and that’s because I just don’t get it.

Don’t get me wrong I’ve tried – with both the books and the films. But I’m just not into werewolves and, unlike seemingly the rest of the world, I don’t see the appeal of Robert Pattinson.

After weeks of not being able to open my eyes in the morning without seeing New Moon being promoted, I am just about ready to scream.

Still, surely a global audience of millions can’t be that far wrong, can they?

Yes. Twilight perfectly proves the point that the direction, writing, plot and acting don’t have to be even remotely good for a film to do well at the box office.

Just film shirtless vampires for two hours and you’re sure to have a hit on your hands.