HAMPSHIRE MP Julian Lewis has today said it would be ''suicidal'' for Britain to hand arms to Syrian rebels.

The New Forest East MP, a former shadow defence minister, made the comments when asked about the deadly civil war in the Middle Eastern country.

Debate has been raging over whether to arm rebels in the conflict.

And Dr Lewis said it would be "suicidal" for Britain to hand arms to an opposition the Government admits includes extremist elements.

He told the BBC Radio 4 World This Weekend programme: ''The reason it would be suicidal would be that in taking over Syria, they would also inherit Syria's arsenal of weapons including in particular the nerve gas which is the centre of so much attention.

''In the past we have gone to war because we feared that weapons of mass destruction might fall into the hands of al Qaida and it would be absolutely crazy to assist al Qaida to get their hands on the very sorts of weapons we must keep away from them at all costs.''

Mr Lewis said he did not believe there was any constitutional reason Mr Cameron could not go ahead with a plan to arm the rebels if Parliament refused to back it.

But he warned: ''It would be possible but very unwise for the Prime Minister to go ahead and do this behind Parliament's back, for example during recess without recalling Parliament. That would be a shameful thing to do.

''I have little doubt the Prime Minister would struggle to get this achieved by Parliament because so many think it is not in Britain's national interest.

''I'm not asking for a veto... I think the Prime Minister probably has the power to go ahead but it would be an extraordinarily unwise thing for him to do.''