STAFF travel plans are just one of the new initiatives introduced by Eastleigh Borough Council as it looks to reduce its energy use.

The authority has agreed an extensive climate change action plan within the council as it works towards its goal of reducing energy consumption by 50 per cent by 2020.

Staff travel plans will be used to introduce new ways of working that reduce staff travel. The number of pool cars will be increased and staff will be encouraged to walk and cycle more.

It is targeting an increase in trade waste recycling together with increasing recycling and waste reduction from its own buildings.

Another key target is reducing water use in its buildings by 20 per cent in the lead up to 2020. It aims to explore rainwater harvesting at offices and centres and plans to be more efficient in how it uses water in open spaces.

It has reduced CO2 emissions from its buildings through a mix of insulation and energy saving measures and the use of renewable and sustainable energy.

It is also aiming to reduce emissions from its fleet of vehicles by 550 tonnes of carbon by 2018 through the more efficient use of vehicles, and using alternative fuels.

Cabinet leader for environment and sustainability Cllr Louise Bloom said: “The council has a great track record on environmental issues has developed a culture of tackling climate change throughout the whole organisation with each service playing its part.

“We are committed and determined to achieve our target to reduce our carbon emissions by 50 per cent and continue to be one of the leading councils that is tackling climate change nationally.”