A FUNERAL will take place this week for a Southampton teenager who died after taking a ‘legal high’.

As reported, Adam Hunt lost his fight for life in hospital earlier this month five days after consuming the drugs AMT and etizolam.

The 18-year-old, from Millbrook Road East, had been critically ill in a coma at Southampton General Hospital before passing away last Sunday.

Now friends and family are preparing to say their final farewell at a funeral service on Friday.

Mourners will gather at St Joseph Church, Bugle Street to pay their respects to the Saints season ticket holder and former St George’s Catholic School pupil.

In the days following the tragedy, Adam’s grieving mum and dad Bernadette and Darren told of their shock at losing their son.

They said in a statement: “He was very thoughtful and caring and loved his family and friends dearly.

“One of the things we will always remember though about him was his fantastic sense of humour. It is very hard to think we will not get to laugh or talk with him anymore.

“His life had such potential and was all in front of him; sadly it has been cut prematurely very short.”

A post-mortem examination to determine how Adam died was due to be carried out this week.

The funeral service takes place at 1pm followed by burial at St Mary’s Extra Cemetery at 2.30pm.