THE grieving family of a Southampton teenager who died after taking a so-called legal high have demanded a clampdown on the fatal substances before more lives are lost.

Adam Hunt died in Southampton General Hospital five days after he was left critically ill in a coma after experimenting with AMT.

The former St George's Catholic School pupil and Saints fan was just 18-years-old and had consumed the drugs in his room in Millbrook Road East after buying them on the internet.

Now his parents have made an emotional plea to vendors, politicians and parents to help stem the deadly drugs' trade after today's inquest into his death.

The call comes after the Daily Echo launched our Say No to Legal Highs campaign calling for tougher laws and licensing rules holding sellers to account and preventing under-age sales.

Today coroner Keith Wiseman recorded a narrative verdict stressing it was an accidental death through experimentation with AMT.

A joint statement released by his mum Bernadette, father Darren and stepmother Jayne said: “Adam had everything to look forward to in life.

“He was happy and considerate and even on the day of being hospitalised, had gone to his mother's workplace in order to give her lunch.”

They stressed there was no indication their son had a drug habit and believe he experimented because they were legal and thought they were safe.

They continued: “ “But AMT - a 'legal high' is not safe. It is fatal.

“To young people who often take the view “It could never happen to me”, you cannot guarantee it won't.

“Please, for your family's sake, don't run the risk.”

Pleading to high street and online vendors they said: “You have no idea what is actually in the products you sell or the actual dosage “You have no idea what impact the consumption of your products may have on different types of people.

“Your products could kill somebody.”

They called for MPs and parents to familiarise themselves with the drugs and added: “We don't think parliament really realises what this problem is.

“MPs should stop them being sold so we can stop people going through this again.”

“Parents need to know and learn more and to try and talk more with their children about drugs and 'legal highs'.”

Adam's Mother Bernadette added: “The state I found Adam in, will stay with me, for the rest of my life.

“It's an image I'd like to be able to forget”.

Detective Constable Johnny Hyland said: “AMT is responsible for cutting short the future of a popular 18-year-old man.

“His experimentation with psychoactive substances has destroyed the lives of those who knew and loved him.

“The result of the inquest today is clear. Don't take AMT. It could kill you.

“Any tablet or package of non-controlled drugs - 'legal highs' or otherwise - is potentially a lethal substance.

“Even if what is described is actually within the drug, there is no guarantee it is within safe quantities “For your sake, for your family's sake, don't risk it.”

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