WHETHER it’s socks, a shirt or a tie you always get a Christmas present you cannot stand.

But help is on hand from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, which is after unwanted clothing to help raise funds.

Recycling textiles is the second largest source of income for the charity and it works throughout the year collecting clothes with help from partner organisation Bag It Up.

John Perry, chief executive of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, said: “The majority of the textile donations we receive at this time of year have come from wardrobe clear-outs. “With clothing banks at recycling sites across our region, there are plenty of places for people to take last season's garments and put them to a worthwhile cause.” For those who haven’t received any fashion fails this year, the charity is encouraging people to clear out their wardrobes of old as a New Year’s resolution.

Yellow clothes recycling banks can be found across the county and a list of locations is available on biugroup.co.uk.

Unwanted Christmas gifts can also be donated to help supply the charity’s temporary shop, which comes to Hampshire for two weeks in May.

Based in Whitchurch, it opens on May 23, selling bric-a-brac, books, textiles and more.

A spokesman added: “Anything we sell must be in good condition, and unfortunately, we can’t sell anything electrical or edible, or large items of furniture, but otherwise all donations will be very gratefully received.” To donate to the charity ring 023 8033 3377.