IT is a lifeline to cancer patients across the county, providing financial and emotional support as they battle the disease.

Figures reveal today that last year Macmillan Cancer Care gave away more than £125,000 in grants to help relieve some of the financial strain of more than 450 cancer patients in Hampshire.

The money has paid for urgent items or services needed because of the disease including, new clothing, bedding, heating bills and transport.

Sue Alford, service manager at the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Macmillan Citizen’s Advice Service, said: “Each week we see people with cancer who are facing financial difficulties who, for example, just do not know how they are going to pay the next fuel bill or their costs for getting to and from hospital for treatment.

“Our caseworkers assist people to apply for Macmillan grants when other avenues such as benefits, NHS support or the applicant’s own resources have been exhausted.”

For more information about support available to patients call: 0808 808 0000.

To donate call: 0300 1000 200 or visit