THE Daily Echo has revealed the least expensive streets in Southampton, according to average property price data recorded by HM Land Registry.

Find out the least expensive streets by postcode area using the links below.


Here are the top 20 least expensive addresses in each individual postcode across Southampton.

1. International Way (SO19) £58,697
2. Hill Street (SO19) £78,051
3. Linacre Road (SO19) £79,517
4. Kent Street (SO14) £88,410
5. York Close (SO14) £88,545
6. Anson Drive (SO19) £90,603
7. Fullerton Close (SO19) £90,911
8. King Street (SO14) £91,806
9. Golden Grove (SO14) £92,170
10. Lydgate Close (SO19) £92,199
11. Napier Road (SO19) £92,816
12. Tankerville Road (SO19) £94,216
13. Wood Close (SO19) £94,412
14. Herrick Close (SO19) £95,478
15. Winchfield Close (SO19) £97,535
16. Maison Belle Vue (SO19) £97,931
17. Above Bar Street (SO14) £100,855
18. Seaward Road (SO19) £101,300
19. Jonas Nichols Square (SO14) £102,556
20. Poulner Close (SO19) £101,796


This list may include properties in streets which have not sold in normal free market conditions, such as 'right to buy' and compulsory purchase schemes or areas already subject to demolition and regeneration.

The data includes all transactions completed since January 1995, as recorded by HM Land Registry.