A SOUTHAMPTON mother is cycling 100 miles tomorrow in memory of her baby who passed away just three days after birth.

Little Joshua was born on April 28, 2016 at 26.1 weeks, after an emergency c-section. Due to trauma and complications at birth he had a severe bleed on his brain which proved fatal.

Maxine Channon is cycling in the Prudential Ride London 100 mile ride to raise money to fund renovations and improvements to the bereavement suite on the Neonatal Unit at Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton.

She and her husband Richard spent three precious days there saying goodbye to Joshua.

She wants to raise £2,000 to buy a new sofa, coffee machine, digital camera and various other items to help make families stays as easy and comfortable as possible.

She would also like to be able to purchase a ‘cuddle cot’, which allows bereaved parents to spend more time with their little one.

They are hoping this will be an on going project replenishing items such as hand soaps, pillows, coffee capsules, etc. when required.

“It is so important to us that we keep our little man’s memory alive and raise awareness of prematurity and neonatal death as it affects far too many families a year,” said Maxine, who is also mother to Imogen, three.

Building up to the ride has been a big challenge for Maxine, who was unable to exercise for nine months following the emergency caesarian and with little previous cycling experience.

But she said it has been important to help her body to recover and also to give her space to think about Joshua.

“The cycle ride will be a monumental challenge, mentally, physically and emotionally for my grief stricken battered body and I will very much appreciate any support to make Joshuas Legacy become a reality for us.”

So far, Maxine has raised more than £1,800. Visit justgiving.com/crowdfunding/joshuaanddragonflies