GOOD neighbours are important to us all but for Marian Whatley they are essential for without the people next door she would have to give up her home.

She has nominated Tony and Christine Smith for the Daily Echo Carer of the Year Award which is supported by Southampton Lions whose volunteer members every year raise thousands of pounds to support local good causes.

The neighbourly couple help disabled Mrs Whatley with her shopping, gardening and other household chores.

The 79-year-old widow of Harefield, Southampton, who has had to undergo four different knee operations and has difficulty walking, said: "Christine looks out for me everyday and during the nightime as well.

"She arranges trips out in her car, the shopping and anything else I need help with. She and her husband, who does the garden, deal with anything that requires attention.

"Without their help I would not be able to stay in my own home. I would be lost without them both."

They have been neighbours for the last 13 years and grandmother of four Mrs Whatley, formerly a secretary for Moxhams in Portswood and at St Denys Primary School, used to help look after Mr and Mrs Smith's dog.

However, as Mrs Whatley's health has deteriorated Mr and Mrs Smith have made sure they care for her.

Mr Smith, 67, who used to work in the communications business, said: "You cannot see people suffering."

His wife, also in her 60s, added: "We just like to look out for Marian and make sure she is all right."