WHAT a mess!

Dirty clothes spilling out of laundry baskets, books strewn all over the floor and empty drinks bottles under the bed.

Welcome to the first entry in the Daily Echo's search for the messiest bedroom in Hampshire.

Sent in by reader Annie Smith, these pictures reveal the unkempt room of her brother Tony who has enraged his family so much with his untidiness they felt compelled to enter our competition for the bedroom that resembles a rubbish tip.

"My grandma told me to enter this as she is fed up of trying to tidy it up for him," she said.

The search for messy rooms come after we revealed that Southampton City Council is set to crack down on messy students by holding landlords to account for any mountains of rubbish that are often left for collection at the end of term.

The council is working with universities and student groups and may launch rubbish inspectors to door-knock student houses to avoid the rubbish problem.

Inspired by the anarchic students from The Young Ones, the Echo is giving prizes for the messiest entry in the competition and are looking for people to become rubbish inspectors and send in pictures of their messy housemates, siblings or teenage children's rooms who really do look like a disaster zone.

DO you have a Young Ones-type housemate?

Do you have someone who has a room so bad it would make TV clean-up queens Kim and Aggie shudder?

If so, then we want the evidence.

Send us photos of the mess and mayhem so we can name and shame them and give you a chance of winning clean-up goodies for the best pictures we print.

E-mail your photos to picdesk@dailyecho.co.uk or text your pictures to 80360, starting your message SDEPICS.

(Texts cost 25p plus your usual network charge)