A deer was found "hanged from a tree" at a recreation ground.

Passers-by were shocked to see the deceased animal at Eling Recreation Ground this morning.

Many reported seeing the deer with a rope tied around it.

Resident Clare Murphy was out walking her dog when she spotted the distressing scene.

She told the Echo: “The deer was laying at the base of a tree yellow cord rope around its groin.

“It was very upsetting to come across. The deer was under the old oak tree by the youth club.

“We don't have deer in Eling so someone must have travelled in a vehicle to put it there.

“Hopefully the person will be caught for senseless killing.”

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The incident was reported to New Forest District Council.

A spokesperson from the council said: “We have liaised with our policing colleagues, who confirm that they attended to reports of a deceased deer within Eling Recreation Ground.

“When attending the site, their officers liaised with the agister, who has removed the animal.

“We continue to support our partners as required.”

Hampshire Constabulary are investigating and enquiries are currently ongoing.