It’s quite a suspenseful watch when one of your favourite films is adapted for the stage. Will they get the characters right? Will the magic of the film transfer to a live audience?

I knew, of course, that this particular movie was in very capable hands, also being a big Matthew Bourne fan too.

But with Johnny Depp playing such an iconic role in the original, I did worry for Liam Mower, who would be taking to the stage as the gothic man-made boy with scissors for hands.

Tim Burton’s original screenplay, based on the book by author Caroline Thompson has become a cult classic. The story of somebody struggling to fit in is something every one of us could identify with in some way or another and as the curtain went up and we saw Liam’s character unfold from the confines of an old sofa, my shoulders relaxed, and I knew all would be well.

Daily Echo: Liam Mower was a triumph in his role as EdwardLiam Mower was a triumph in his role as Edward (Image: Johan Persson)

His mannerisms, movement, facial expressions, everything was spot on. Emulating Edward Scissorhands in the way that Depp had, but also, cleverly, adding his own humorous take on the character too, which added another dimension.

As Caroline wrote in the programme: ‘Imagine: laughing at a ballet’. She’s right, we did laugh, and it felt wonderful.

As has come to be expected now with Sir Matthew’s performances, the staging and set were ridiculously clever.

Mirrors were expertly used to create the town scenes and as that beautiful score from the film sang out, snow cascaded down from the rig as Edward pursued his love for Peg Boggs (played wonderfully by Sophia Hurdley).

Magical, goosebumps creating theatre that keeps you on the edge of your seat is what Matthew Bourne and his New Adventures Company is known for, and yet again, they didn’t disappoint. Nothing was done by halves.

The giant ice sculpture created by Edward was there, huge, centre stage, and the Topiary Garden was magnificently re-created as the ensemble transformed into moveable shrubs for Edward and Peg to twist and weave through.

Daily Echo: The Boggs' Barbeque was a show highlightThe Boggs' Barbeque was a show highlight (Image: Johan Persson)

You always know when you’ve seen something brilliant, as time seems to zip by in the blink of an eye.

One minute we were laughing as Joyce Monroe (played by Stephanie Billers) seduces Edward while her husband George (played hilariously by Luke Murphy) is distracted by a runaway lawn mower, the next we were crying as Edward and Peg performed their last dance in the graveyard before the townsfolk arrived to witness boyfriend’s Jim unfortunate accident with Edward’s blades.

And then…it was all over, and we were left wishing there was an Act Three as the theatre erupted in claps and cheers.

Whether you love the film, or are none the wiser, this is two hours of beautifully entertaining theatre, and with tickets still left, it’s not to late to see it for yourself.

On until March 16, tickets available: