Southampton research scientist Jess Boxall is taking the lead in celebrating the diversity of UK's first-generation university graduates.

Jess, now 24, joined the University of Southampton in 2017 to study Biomedical Sciences.

Being the first in her family to attend university, and coming from a single-parent household, she faced numerous obstacles along her path to academic achievement.

However, her unwavering determination, coupled with the support of her family and university, aided her success. Currently working on her Masters in public health and nutrition, Jess supports the My Generation Career Coaching scheme at the University of Southampton.

“Physically moving away from home and being away from my family was difficult, even though I knew this is where I needed to be,” said Jess. “But financially, it was even harder. I got the maximum maintenance grant and I got by for those first two years but my year in industry was a big financial obstacle. I had to fight to get my maintenance grant for the year I returned to studying, and then had to continue working one day a week in my final year.”

The initiative, piloted in 2019, aims at supporting students who are the first in their family to attend university, addressing unique challenges they face while preparing them for the graduate labour market. Since its inception, My Generation has bolstered over 100 students in their career-readiness.

Additionally, the University hosts Ignite, a flagship programme geared towards a fairer future for underrepresented students. So far, Ignite has benefited 90 students, 63 per cent of whom are first-generation university students, furthering the university's strides towards championing diversity and inclusivity.

Jess added: “The support I got from the My Generation programme here at Southampton was really empowering and the opportunities that came with it increased my confidence. As part of the programme I was kindly bought some smart clothes for my placement and that was a massive help, as student budgets don’t tend to extend to new work wardrobes.

“Coming to university has opened more doors for me than I ever thought it would. It’s also helped me become independent and stand on my own two feet. It’s been far more than just a stepping stone.”