Police last night named the Southampton teenager who was found lying in a pool of blood after suffering major head and face injuries.

Luke Woolf, 18, was discovered in a park near Radcliffe Road in Northam by a passer-by next to his black bike.

He was taken by ambulance to Southampton General Hospital where he underwent vital surgery over the weekend.

Around 20 police officers, including those from the major crime unit have been involved in the investigation, after Mr Woolf was found shortly before 6am on Saturday.

A police spokesman said a 19-year-old person has been arrested and is currently helping police with their enquiries.

He added that police would are now looking for a 20 year-old local man who may have more information, as well as anyone who may have witnessed the incident.

Police sealed off Radcliffe Road and Northam Road causing havoc for morning traffic as their investigations began.

At first officers didn’t know the identity of the victim who was wearing a black bomber jacket with large white writing on it, grey jogging bottoms and multi-coloured trainers.

It is believed that a fight broke out in the Northam Estate precinct, before the incident in Radcliffe Road.

Forensic teams scoured the children's playground for evidence, as officers conduct door-to-door inquiries along Radcliffe Road and surrounding area.

One shocked resident, who did not want to be named, said: "I can't believe something has happened so close to my home. When will the all the violence stop?"

Anyone with any information is asked to contact police on 0845 045 4545 quoting Operation Approval or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.