ANOTHER week another contagious disease. This week it was hand, foot and mouth that has scuppered an otherwise slick and well oiled routine.

The dreaded call came from nursery with the news that he had to be collected immediately owing to some unsightly spots on his hands, feet and mouth – the name of the disease is a giveaway.

It wasn’t something I had much experience of and did wonder given the sound of it, whether I would have to set up disinfectant trays at the front door and close off my home to ramblers. But no I was assured, that despite the name it didn’t actually have any link to livestock.


However, the spots did look pretty uncomfortable especially in Ben’s mouth, bless his cottons.

He also had an ear infection to add into the mix so all in all little man has been under the weather to say the least. I did feel a touch bad however, as the previous night he had been up a few times pulling at his ear and drooling – classic signs of teething was my diagnosis so off I packed him to nursery without a second thought.

Little did I know he had a viral disease.

Another black mark in my ever expanding book of things I must do better.

It does strike me though that if there is a bug to be had or a contagious disease to breathe in and incubate, Ben is your man.Maybe he is just a very sociable child who likes to rub up against his pals a little bit too much.

In himself though he seems to be very happy though which is slightly annoying as he is confined to the house and can’t go to nursery. So while mum and dad are running around arranging alternative childcare little man is prancing around playing ‘choo choo’ building towers and amusing himself by running and dramatically falling over in a heap.

It appears to be one of those illnesses that you can do little about but it just has to ‘run its course’. Equally frustrating really that you can’t speed up the return to normality. But hey ho, onwards and forwards.