Another product of the musical conveyor belt known as Brooklyn Grizzly Bear experiment more than if Rafa Benitez had led the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae.

Using every conceivable instrument from recorders through to laptops each track differs greatly from the one preceding it.

The result is bizarre yet slightly soothing. The four members combine for delightful vocal harmonies and much of the music seems slightly off-beat and definitely off the cuff.

It’s like four men sat down having never met before and each argued their case for the musical style they’d like to follow by getting the other three to play along with them for a song of two, every track then being placed on one disc and the producer saying, “yeah, this will do.”

This won’t please everyone, and those that are hooked may not like every track, but there is enough here to please most at one point or another.