MUMS spend more than 21 years of their life running around after others – but enjoy just three years “me time”.

Running errands, looking after the house and shopping takes up almost four months of every year – a total of 19 years, three months, and four days in the average woman’s lifetime.

On top of that, the Radox study found looking after children and taking them to afterschool clubs and swimming lessons account for a further year, nine months and eight days.

That’s a total of 21 years and 11 days looking after their home and family.

Psychologist Jenni Trent Hughes said: ‘’The answer is simply to be selfish and take some time out, after 21 years of running around after the family, pets, supermarket and the house, women have earnt it.

“If you’re not taking care of yourself then how can you properly take care of anyone else?”