DOUBLE yellow lines are set to snake along more streets in Wickham following the introduction of parking charges in the village square.

Motorists have been using nearby side roads and obstructing traffic and creating potential dangers.

Now Winchester City Council has decided to introduce the lines in Buddens Road, Manor Close, Tanfield Lane, Tanfield Park, Mayles Lane, Mill Lane and Station Road.

Enforceable disabled bays will be introduced near the doctors’ surgery and in Buddens Road.

Thirteen objections were received although the parish council supports the measure.

Cllr Keith Wood, portfolio holder for planning and access, said: “The problem of parking shifting from one area to another is happening all over the district.”

Meanwhile the council is to start charging for residents’ and visitors’ parking permits in the Wickham Square car park.

Previously, the free permits have been limited to two hours with no return within three. The new ones mean holders can stay for longer than two hours.

It will cost £10 for the first and second permits and £30 for the third, with a maximum of three per household.