SHOPPERS at a Southampton supermarket can help support sick children who stay in hospital over Christmas with a special gift appeal.

A decorated trolley has been placed in Sainsbury’s, Shirley, for customers to drop off any extra toys and games for children who will be patients at Southampton General Hospital over the festive period.

The children’s ward treats youngsters from across the south and regularly has about 100 children and young teens spending Christmas Day in hospital.

The supermarket is a regular supporter of the hospital appeal for presents and last year donated five trolleys of gifts.

“We always get a lot of support for this appeal and it’s really important to help sick children,” said Mandy Collinson of Sainsbury’s.

• Is your business supporting the Hospital Toy Appeal? If so, contact Corey Stephenson on 023 8042 4503 or email Echo picture by Chris Moorhouse. Order no: 9520028