A SCHOOL has taken a step back in history and given youngsters an opportunity to relive the past.

The children at Hazelwood Infant School, Totton have been celebrating the 1960s, and had special guests and talks throughout the week.

The highlight had to be dressing up in their parents and grandparents' clothes for the day and holding a 60s style party with music, old fashioned hairstyles and semolina pudding.

Head teacher, Sarah Peters, said: "The children had a wonderful week in which history was brought to life."

The 222 children learned about the modes of transport used 40 years ago, music, style, the moon landing and also more about England's victory in the 1966 World Cup.

Miss Peters said: "At the 60s party we had hippies, rockers and even a Noddy, who apparently started out in the 60s. The children have been learning to twist and jive along with learning some songs by the Beatles. Many of the teachers got very involved and a number of items were brought in to show the youngsters.

"What is really good is that because the 60s are part of living memory we were able to have a number of speakers come in and describe it all."