PET food: Cats Protection representative Anne Garland visited ASDA on Thursday, May 26, to accept generous donations of pet food given by ASDA, on behalf of animal welfare.

A Gazette photographer took pictures of Sam Hutchins, ASDA's events co-ordinator, Anne Garland and Shirley King, from STARescue.

The pictures show three people with two trolley-loads of pet food. The representatives were also rewarded for their good work.

MANOR Field Junior School: Community relations team members Joanne Pritchard and Emma Conduit sent me a report about what they've been doing.

"On Tuesday, May 17, Year 4 went on an adventure to learn about mini beasts and their habitats. The children had a great time and learned a lot.

"Year 4 pupil Kelly said that her brain was bursting with lots of interesting facts. Many children were exhausted after a fun-filled day.

"Sean said: 'It was great.'

"Tuesday was a very special day and all look forward to more adventures in the future."

Also received from the community relations team was a report describing ice skating lessons enjoyed by Year 6.

"Lucky pupils from Year 6 were given, as a treat, six skating lessons after finishing some important tests.

"The children were put into groups according to their skating abilities. Children who could not skate well were helped by others who could skate.

"After a few lessons, children who at first could not skate learned to skate around the ice rink by themselves."