POLICE were today hunting vandals who dumped a safe on rail tracks at West End, disrupting services and risking lives.

The late-night drama happened 20 minutes after the 10.06pm passenger train had left Southampton Central bound for Brighton.

It is understood that the train was travelling at about 70mph when it struck the safe.

Later a small office-type safe was found lying on the line.

Police believe it could have either been put on the track or thrown from a railway bridge at Allington Lane, West End.

While there was no derailment, the safet damaged the equipment used to hold the train to the rails.

The crippled train made its way to Botley Railway Station. There was a delay for about hour and a half while engineers carried out trackside repairs.

Other services were hit while repairs were being carried out.

The 9.42pm service from Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour and the 9.55pm service from Reading to Portsmouth Harbour were diverted from the area.

The safe, which had nothing inside, was taken to Hedge End police station where forensic tests were being carried out.

Meanwhile, British Transport Police have launched an inquiry.

A Hedge End police spokesman has criticised the vandals who could have caused a major disaster, saying the incident could have cost lives.

He commented: "This was an absolutely ridiculous thing to do and there were potential dangers to life."