NO ANNOUNCEMENT has yet been made. The Prime Minister remains tight-lipped.

Nevertheless, everybody expects a General Election in May.

I have secret information - I divulge on the strict understanding that readers will keep it to themselves.

The Leader of the House of Commons has invited retiring MPs to a farewell drink on Tuesday, April 5.

Surely this means Dissolution a few days later and a four-week campaign before polling on Thursday, May 5.

Therefore, this will be my final column in The Basingstoke Extra.

IT HAS been my wonderful privilege to have been your MP for nearly 22 years - a length of time exceeded by only one of my predecessors.

I am grateful for the confidence of the electorate, expressed at five successive general elections.

I have always regarded job and wealth creation as Basingstoke's raison d'etre.

It has achieved prominence as a centre of economic activity. Basingstoke flourishes. I am pleased.

I have particularly valued my contact with the many voluntary groups which make such an important contribution to the life of the town and surrounding villages.

The efforts of scores of selfless volunteers are woefully under-appreciated.

As my retirement approaches, I think of the legion of people who have taken me into their confidence over the years, seeking my assistance. I have tried to help. This has been by far the most challenging and the most satisfying side of my job.

I value the many friendships which I have formed. These will continue into my retirement, as will my deep affection for Basingstoke and nearby villages.

AS THE Disney cartoons of my youth concluded: "That's all, folks".

First published: Wednesday, March 30, 2005