WALK: The Churches around Tadley Walk of Witness went very well.

A large number of people walked from the library to the United Reformed Church for a service, which was followed by tea and hot cross buns.

THANKS: The Lunch Club's raffle raised £134 towards funds, and would like to thank Iris Steel for organising it and also the local shops and golf club for providing the prizes.

WANTED: The Shaw Trust is looking for new 35mm film or any second-hand or new SLR or digital cameras you would like to donate.

If you can help, call 0118 9810033 to arrange collection.

The Shaw Trust does a great deal of good work for the local community.

COUNCIL: On Tuesday, Tadley Town Council will be holding its Annual Town Meeting at the Immanual Centre, which is behind the United Reformed Church, Main Road, at 7.30pm.

This year, the speakers are from the Campaign to Protect Rural England and from the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate.

The latter has a great deal of power and looks after the interests of us at places such as AWE.

CAMEO: On Wednesday, at 7.30pm, at Tadley Salvation Army, Mulfords Hill, come and bring your friends to the inaugural meeting of the CAMEO (come and meet each other) group for an interesting evening presented by TADS, a local history group.

Go along and discover what your town was like in the last century and hear about some important events.

Entrance costs £1, to include refreshments.

For more information, contact Ann Emery 0118 9810789.