CASINO Night: In aid of village hall funds, a casino night is being held on Saturday, April 16, from 7.30pm.

There will be roulette and blackjack, and dress is posh frocks, DJs or lounge suits please.

Tickets cost £10 and include a buffet supper.

They are available from Jan Martin, on 882539, or from The Shop.

HAPPY Faces: The Happy Faces Playgroup had some Easter fun last week with its Easter Basket competition.

The judging was done by Rachel Goodhew. Millie Bush was awarded first prize, Taran Angell, second, and Luke Fleming, third.

Well done to all.

EVERGREENS: The Evergreens held their March meeting on March 21 and the speaker was Brian Spicer, whose talk was "The Rise and Fall of Hackwood House".

Jean Wright said: "It was really good and everyone enjoyed learning about the interior and history of the house."

The next Evergreens meeting is on Monday in the Village Hall at 2pm.

New members are always welcome.

FETE: The village fete this year is on June 11 and several meetings have taken place.

There is going to be lively music and the dog show as usual.

This year it is intended to sell raffle tickets in advance and advertisers are sought for the programme.

Volunteers are still needed to help marshal and run some stalls.

If you would like to help, either go along to the next meeting on Monday, April 18, at 7.30pm in the Garden Room, or call me and I'll pass your message on.

WI UPDATE: Following its March meeting, the WI said: "Dr Bill Dawson gave a wonderful narration of his holiday in Antarctica on a small Russian ship carrying 45 passengers.

"His photography was sheer magic and showed many breeds of penguins in huge colonies, seals, birds and whales.

"Dr Dawson was informative, humorous and brought Antarctica alive to us."

The next meeting is on Wednesday, when Oliver Symonds presents "In and around the Royal Ballet".

The WI meets in the Village Hall.

New members are always welcome.