THERE is no place like home.

After three months' soaking up the sun in Tenerife, Pam and I have returned to our beloved Old Basing.

The village is looking especially lovely with the spring flowers and blossom coming forth.

George Kirk did a smashing job covering me while I was away. Many, many thanks to him.

WORKING party: A part of the village that is looking particularly nice is the area around the church.

The daffodils and the blossom are throwing out an array of colour.

This is, of course, all due to the PIOCC working party, which gives up about eight hours a month of its valuable time, tending to the grounds and surrounding area.

PARISH Council meeting: On Monday, at Lychpit Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm.

You may want to attend and voice your opinions about the mobile library service. It would seem that this is under review and you can have your input noted if you attend.

ALLOTMENTS: We are now at the start of a busy season of growing.

The allotments are really showing signs of coming to life so please note that the Trading Hut is open every Sunday, from 10am until noon.

You don't have to live in the village but you have to be a member. This only costs a few pounds which, in all honesty, you will save on your first purchase. You don't have to be an allotment holder to join.

There is a great "Swap Shop" there, where you can buy or donate second-hand tools and various plants.

HOLIDAY story: We were near a bowling complex at Golf Del Sor in Tenerife.

Pam and I used to go and have a drink and watch the games. Of course, while chatting, the question of where we were from often came up.

Our answer was "just a little village called Old Basing". Within minutes, a small crowd would gather and most of them knew of the village.

They knew about it because of its fantastic bowling green.

The standards of the green and the club are highly rated far and wide!