WHAT tremendous news: After many years of complaints, Tesco has finally fitted trolley locking devices in order to restrict customers removing trolleys from the shopping centre site.

Yes, the wheels will lock if you stray too far!

The difference is already noticeable and the community wardens have promised to hassle Tesco until such time as the trolleys still scattered around our neighbourhood have been removed.

A REMINDER: Chineham Parish Council's Annual Parish Assembly will be held on Monday at the Village Hall, at 7.30pm.

Apart from a brief report by the chairman of the parish council and the chairman of the finance committee, the main attraction is the guest speaker, Superintendent Paul Netherton, of Hampshire police.

You are again urged to attend if you have any public order or other policing issues which you feel ought to be addressed.

It will be an excellent opportunity to have dialogue with the "main man".

BINGO: On Monday, bingo will be competing with the Annual Parish Assembly at the Chineham Village Club, commencing at 8.30pm.

The following day, there will be senior citizens' bingo at the same venue, at 1pm.

WHAT is 2-Have 2-Hold? It is a four-week course taking place at Christ Church, Chineham, on four evenings in May and June.

Its aim is to help all married couples grow and strengthen their marriage and is being run jointly by Christ Church and the Community Church.

It will be on Wednesdays from 8pm to 9.45pm, and the first session will be on May 18.

More details nearer the time.

MOBILE library: Next Thursday, April 7, is the next opportunity to visit the mobile library, which will be in the Chineham Village Hall car park from 4pm to 4.20pm.