Hythe residents are set to benefit from an NHS course that has already helped more than 500 people living with long-term health problems.

Villagers will be able to attend a free six-week course that aims to help people with an ongoing illness to get the best out of life.

Patients who sign up for the course will meet each week to discuss problems such as pain control and emotions generated by ill health.

The discussions will be led by tutors who have a long-term condition themselves and can use their experience to help others.

Similar courses have already been held in other parts of the county.

A New Forest Primary Care Trust said: "Groups may have a wide variety of conditions among their members, including diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, depression, multiple sclerosis or epilepsy, but everyone comes away having learnt something about how to manage their condition more effectively.

"All our previous courses have had a great friendly atmosphere too."

The Hythe course will be held each Wednesday from April 20.

Anyone wishing to book a place should contact Alison Ford on 023 8029 6002.