CONTROVERSY is gathering over plans to demolish and move buildings at a Winchester college to make room for a new learning resource centre.

Plans have been submitted to demolish Varley Lodge and Varley Cottage on the campus of Peter Symonds College and construct a temporary building on the site.

Eventually the college will build a new learning and resource centre (LRC) in place of the buildings but a fresh planning application will have to be submitted first.

However neighbours and a city heritage group are worried about the amount of trees being felled on the college site and the destruction of local environment as the college expands. The City of Winchester Trust has written to the city council saying the amount of trees being cut down is causing devastation.

Trust members added the design of the new LRC should be agreed upon before the college starts demolishing buildings.

Neighbours have also written to the city council saying they feel greater consideration should be given in consultation with the local community about the future development of the college and how it can be done without destroying the local environment.

Joss and Nick Goulder, of Bereweeke Road, said in a letter to the council: "We were shown outline plans of Symonds' proposed new buildings and admirable plans to create a new service road within the college grounds. We applaud the overall intentions. However we are bitterly disappointed to note the new plans are totally uninspiring in their architectural style."

Planners at the city council will discuss the issue at a meeting on Wednesday.

Officers at the city council will recommend the plans to demolish Varley Lodge and Cottage and move the temporary building be approved, providing the temporary building is removed once the new LRC is built.

A condition will be added to the approval saying the college must not chop down any trees on the site without prior approval.

Nobody at Peter Symonds College was available come forward