Sir.-Before your readers take up the sad and desperate invitation to support the Hampshire Hunt by Mr Axel-Berg, in your letters page (February 4), they may like to consider what hunting is really about.

A terrified animal will be pursued by people on horseback and in vehicles until exhausted, then be torn to pieces by a pack of dogs simply for "fun".

Statistics show hunting does not control fox numbers. In fact, in some hunting areas, "artificial earths" are built to encourage foxes to breed there, presumably to ensure there is an adequate supply to hunt.

As for the rights of rural people to hunt, does this then mean that enthusiasts of badger baiting, dog fighting and cock fighting should be allowed their "fun".

It will still be possible for rural folk to go hunting - they simply have to change to drag hunting.

The people and parliament have spoken and, at last, this barbaric and cruel practice will pass into history, and people like Mr Axel-Berg and his fellow hunt followers will only have their memories of days of bloodshed and terror to console them.

If any of your readers want to attend the last meet of the Hampshire Hunt, I hope they are there just to say good riddance as they watch the hunt ride into the dark ages where it belongs.

-Name and address withheld.