HAPPY birthday: I am pleased to wish Geoff Church, our local undertaker, a very happy special birthday.

I won't say how old he is, but he is half an antique, and as we were both at school together, mine isn't far away, or has it passed?

USE the local shops or lose them: Monday is Valentine's Day, so you will be buying lots of cards, as well as flowers and the like, and they can all be bought locally.

Come on, the local shop owners have been going through it recently with the problems that have gone on with all the roadworks, so use them or lose them now.

By the way, happy Valentine's Day Amanda.

WI MARKET: Is open from 8am to 10.15am on a Wednesday, at the community centre, Newchurch Road, where there are lots to buy including plants, home-made produce, jams, marmalade, pies, cakes, fresh vegetables and knitwear, and you can also sit down and meet friends, old and new, over a cup of tea or coffee and toast.

Go along and support them and enjoy the atmosphere.

DON'T forget: If you want something put into this Village News column, contact me on the above number, or e-mail david@leeksd.freeserve.co.uk