PHOTOGRAPHS of a field threatened with development have been captured by Winchester residents in a calendar to raise cash for their cause.

The Save Barton Farm campaign group has produced the 2005 calendar to help fund their case in a public inquiry into the future of the land next June.

Each month in the calendar shows photographs taken by local people of the farmland in the Barton Farm area, which is under threat from developers.

A spokesman for the campaign group said: "By purchasing a calendar, supporters will not only have images of Barton Farm through all the seasons but also help in the campaign to save this lovely green open countryside now and for generations to come."

Developers Cala Homes lodged a bid in March to build 2,000 homes on fields off Andover Road.

This was met with a storm of protest from Winchester residents.

The plans were due to be considered by city bosses in May, but more information and consultation was needed and the council missed its August deadline.

Cala Homes lodged an appeal and a government inspector will decide the future of the site at an inquiry in June next year.

Protesters will use funds from the calendar to help pay for expert advice to guide them at the inquiry.

The new calendar is likely to spark less controversy than a festive calendar released by staff at Winchester's Royal Hampshire County Hospital last year.

Male staff posed naked in the calendar to raise money for a local charity. However, bosses at the Magpie Centre Cancer Campaign rejected the cash, saying the pictures were too rude for a fundraising campaign.

The Images of Barton Farm calendar can be ordered on 01962 865088.