Sir.-This year, as Boxing Day falls on a Sunday, the Hampshire Hunt will be holding its traditional Boxing Day meet on Monday, December 27, at The Fur and Feathers, Herriard, at 11am (on the A339 between Basingstoke and Alton).

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all your readers and the rest of the local community to come and join us.

Boxing Day is the highlight of the hunting calendar and the day when hundreds of thousands of people come and support their local hunt.

As well as coming along to the meet, people are also very welcome to then follow by car, bicycle, foot or on horse.

I would also like to reassure your readers that the Hampshire Hunt will continue hunting, within the law, throughout this "temporary" hunting ban, and we will be holding Boxing Day and other meets for many years to come!

The Hampshire Hunt will continue to offer a flesh collection service for supportive farmers, as well as fox control measures, working strictly within the law, to all landowners, farmers and gamekeepers.

-Luke Axel-Berg, Farringdon, Alton.