MUSIC around the parish, and it's free! It's the annual carols in the barn at Bartlett's Farm, next to the Leather Bottle, on Wednesday, at 7pm, with mulled wine, minced pies and enthusiastic singing for all, led by our own resident maestro Frank Fowler.

LOOKING forward: We have the Christmas Eve Crib Service in Rotherwick, at 4.30pm, where our little angels are encouraged to come costumed as their favourite nativity character, followed by Midnight Mass at Heckfield church, starting at 11.30pm, when we are pleased and honoured to welcome the Bishop of Basingstoke.

Christmas Day brings Family Communion to Rotherwick at 10.30am, where children can bring along one of their favourite presents to say thank you and happy birthday to baby Jesus!

As everyone will be fully blessed by then, there will be no services on Boxing Day - phew!