CHRISTMAS church services: On December 24, at St Mary's, there is a United Service at 11.30am, a Blessing of the Crib at 4pm, and Holy Communion at 11.30pm.

Christmas Day, Communion at St Mary's at 8am, Christmas Day at the Chapel, at 9.45am, and an All Age Communion at St Mary's at 10am.

Boxing Day, a Communion is being held at St Mary's at 9.30am.

LIBRARY: Father Christmas visits on Tuesday, at 3pm, to present the prizes in the children's Best Christmas Decoration competition.

PANTO: Tickets are still available for Four Dames in Search of a Panto. Call Josie Norton on 298059.

VILLAGE Plan: If you haven't yet returned your questionnaire, please do.

If you were not selected but would still like to comment, ask at the parish office for a questionnaire.

PRESENTS: Stuck for an idea? Why not give the Bedbug Recorder? The first two editions are on sale at Swan Street Stores and the bookshop.