ALDWORTH Gardening Club: Meet at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the Focus Room at Aldworth Science College, Western Way, Basingstoke.

Our first meeting of the new year will be on January 11.

This will feature a talk by Marcus Dancer, who will speak to us about all aspects of growing clematis. Visitors are always welcome.

For details, phone 01256 460612 or 328386.

WALKING for Health: Led by volunteer leaders, the walks vary each week, are non-competitive and everybody is welcome to come along.

All walks start at 11am at the Walled Garden car park, Down Grange, Pack Lane, and are free of charge.

For more information, call Marilyn Davies on 01256 845630.

KEMPSHOTT Junior School: Years 3 and 4, with some children from Years 5 and 6, held a Christmas production entitled Follow the Star.

All the parents and visitors alike enjoyed the performance.

Well done to all the teachers, children and helpers who put in so much effort on the day.

BE careful: As we approach the Christmas season, have a wonderful time, but also remember to be careful of candles and Christmas tree lights.

Also, make sure your presents are out of sight until Christmas Day.