BROCKENHURST Village Hall is one step closer to becoming a community arts centre after villagers managed to raise about £200,000 during the past year.

Brockenhurst Village Trust launched the appeal over a year ago and needs to raise £800,000 to complete its ambitious plans.

Most of the money for the scheme, which will include a professional stage and more exhibition space, has been raised by local residents.

Trustees received an excellent response to a letter drop to all 1,600 homes in the village earlier this year. They appealed for financial support towards the plan by saying that a gift of £5 would buy 20 bricks and £25 would pay for 50 building blocks.

The current hall, built in the 1980s, already hosts all kinds of artistic and recreational activities. The extension will allow for a good-sized stage and enough room to accommodate an orchestra.

The trust has already received a £5,000 grant from the National Lottery's Award for All scheme and is also hoping to receive Arts Council funding.

To make a donation, call trust director Fred Helyer on 01590 623106.