AN Eastleigh nightclub was closed by police for 48 hours while they investigated a brawl involving up to 30 people.

Detectives are scanning CCTV footage after a fight broke out at the town centre's Breezers club leaving three people, including a six-months pregnant woman, in hospital.

Earlier, in a separate incident, a 23-year-old man needed 11 stitches to face and head wounds when it was alleged a broken glass was smashed into his face.

The incidents happened on Friday night and Eastleigh police said they closed the club for reasons of public safety by using powers under the 1964 Licensing Act.

Eastleigh police sector acting Chief Insp Karen Scipio said: "The closure was made as the two incidents raised questions about whether the premises was being managed according to the high standards required under licensing regulations and the obligations of the club management.

"This sends out a strong warning to other licensees about how important it is that they fully accept their responsibilities or they could end up facing the same consequences."

Following the closure of the club on the

corner of Southampton Road and Blenheim Road, the matter went before Southampton magistrates who allowed the club to reopen under strict conditions.

Among stipulations, magistrates ruled that:

The club must employ Security Industry Authority door staff.

Members must sign guests in.

CCTV equipment must be operational at all times when the premises are open.

No children under 18 are permitted in the club after 9pm.

No children under 18 are permitted in the club unless accompanied by a member.

The matter is due to be reviewed by magistrates on December 20.

The club refused to make any comment when approached by the Daily Echo.

The brawl broke out just after midnight on Friday as people were leaving the club.

A 19-year-old man, his 19-year-old girlfriend, who is six months pregnant, and her 37-year-old mother were injured. The mother suffered a broken nose, fractured cheekbone and jaw.

Police are looking for a woman in her late 20s with straight, shoulder-length blonde hair, about 5ft 10in, wearing a light coloured top.

They are also anxious to trace a man, aged 27 to 30, stocky, 5ft 11in to 6ft with shaven blond hair. He was wearing a cream top and blue trousers, which could have been jeans.

A 15-year-old Eastleigh youth has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm against a 23-year-old man. They will appear before Southampton Youth Court on Friday.