The resounding public thumbs down to a proposal for a regional assembly in the North East has been greeted with delight by Cllr Ken Thornber, leader of Hampshire County Council.

Cllr Thornber has long been a staunch opponent of the idea of a similar assembly in the South East and he said: "The people of the North East have shown what we in the South East have long known - there is no appetite for regional government in this country.

"The North East has voted against regionalism and for local democracy and this sends a very clear message that the country simply will not stand for the idea of expensive and unnecessary regional assemblies which nobody wants."

He said research had shown people have a close affinity with the county they live in and claimed the more they found out about the implications of proposed regional assemblies, the more they opposed them.

"We do not need a regional assembly here. Hampshire County Council is better placed to meet local needs than a remote regional assembly," said Cllr Thornber.