Eating the right food can literally change your life and help you on the road to recovery. Kate Thompson talks to food expert Barbara Cox about the importance of good nutrition...

NUTRITIONIST Barbara Cox knows precisely how important it is for cancer patients to follow a wholesome diet.

She has seen her own father-in-law Brian, 76, develop three types of cancer - and she has seen how changing his diet brought positive results.

"He had cancer of the prostate, non-Hodgkins lymphoma and skin cancer. When I heard what was happening to him I knew I wanted to help and so I designed changes to his diet that he could adopt relatively easily.

"At 76 I didn't want to make major changes but the ones we have are easy to take on board," she said.

Barbara changed his coffee to an organic decaffeinated brand and tea was replaced with a green tea blend.

"We also got rid of the snacks and replaced them with alternatives. I make a flapjack that is naturally sweet so he could feed his cravings.

"I also gave him more vegetables and cut down on his red meat. One of his favourite meals was shepherd's pie but now we make it with soya mince and I don't think he has spotted the difference," she said.

Where possible he is eating organic produce and also taking supplements to boost his vitamin and mineral intake.

"We have taken away acid-forming foods and replaced it with a more alkaline-based regime.

"By switching to more organic vegetables it takes the stress away from the organs that are having to cope with all the chemicals we eat," she said.

Brian has more energy than ever and recent tests have shown his health is improving.

"He has had the all-clear for his prostate, which is wonderful news, and he seems to be full of energy.

"He has three grandchildren and he likes to take them out to the beach," said Barbara.

Over the years Barbara has worked with many cancer patients and she has seen the difference diet can make.

"Prevention is the key. Often I have seen patients diagnosed with cancer and I think, if only they had made small changes to their lifestyle they might not have developed the disease," she said.

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HERE ARE Barbara Cox's top ten tips for a healthy diet. Don't worry if you can't face following them all at once - you can follow them in steps, and very soon you'll be maximising your body's ability to function efficiently, ward off disease and heal itself.

1. Drink plenty of water. You've probably heard it before: we're composed of 70 to 80% water - it's true! You should aim to drink at least 2 litres a day.

2. Eat plenty of fruit and veg. Fruit and vegetables are simply the best kinds of food for us. First, they are high in fibre, which is essential for the digestive system to work efficiently. Second, they provide a variety of essential minerals and vitamins. Thirdly, most fruit and vegetables contain pigments such as carotenes and flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that provide significant protection against cancer, heart disease and strokes.

3. Buy organic produce. Having now persuaded you (I hope!) of the importance of fruit and vegetables, I should now point out that organic produce is best.

4. Consume fish and fish oils. As well as providing us with nucleic acids needed for our cells, fish naturally provides oils which neutralise harmful free radicals in the body.

5. Cut down on dairy. Remember a few years ago we were all being told to 'Drink a pint of milk a day'? Research now shows that cows' milk (while extremely good for baby cows!) can be harmful to humans because the high levels of fat and protein in milk prevent the absorption of the mineral zinc, which is necessary for vitamin C absorption.

6. Cut down on sugar and saturated fats. Sugar has a detrimental effect on health not only because it contributes to excess body weight, but it can also upset the balance of minerals in the body, disrupt the functioning of glands, and suppress the immune system. Equally harmful are saturated fats and oils, such as those in animal fat (meat and dairy), as well as in junk, processed and fast foods. The end product of their digestion is free radicals, which can cause cancer.

7. Avoid food additives - especially colouring agents and artificial sweeteners. While some additives stop the growth of food-poisoning bacteria, the vast majority are used for cosmetic purposes.

8. Reduce your intake of salt. We get all the sodium we need from the natural ingredients of food.

9. Strive for an alkalising diet. The body performs best when slightly alkaline (a pH of 7.4), but most Western diets nowadays contain an abundance of acid-forming foods. Cut down on acid-forming food and drinks like alcohol, cakes, chocolate, coffee, crisps, fizzy drinks, eggs, meat, milk, salt, sugar and tea. Try to consume more fruit and vegetables, green tea, herb teas, millet, fresh cracked nuts, seeds and soya products.

10. Take a regular liquid supplement of minerals and vitamins. I recommend a colloidal (liquid) supplement because the minerals and vitamins are more easily absorbed than they are in tablet form.