PARISH council: Meets on Monday, in the club room of the village hall, at 8pm.

Come along and find out what is happening in the village and perhaps speak in the open forum.

BONFIRE night: Spectacular fireworks are expected and there will be a pumpkin competition, hot dogs, soup and more on sale.

Please do not bring sparklers or fireworks.

The gates open at 6pm. You can get your tickets cheaper in advance by buying them from the Calleva Arms or Pamber Heath Stores and save £3 per family.

COACH trip: The outing to France is now full, and we are looking forward to a happy day.

The trip to Bath, on December 3, still has seats available. Call Rosemary, on 9701070. The cost is £12.50.

CHRISTMAS dance: Only tickets bought in advance will give you admission to this event as there will be no sales on the door. More details closer to the time.

AUCTION: The last one before the new year is on November 16, at 10am, in the hall.

PHOENIX Club: Is meeting on Wednesday, when Mrs Chris Marsh-Jenks, patient liaison officer at Basingstoke hospital, will be the speaker