PARISH council: A report from the parish clerk regarding the parish council meeting on October 13 said: "Attempts will be made to improve liaison between the parish council, Neighbourhood Watch and the police.

"The parish council gave support to the suggestion of seeking more village green volunteers.

"The first meeting of the leisure facilities committee was held on Tuesday, to discuss new play equipment.

"The parish council will be taking on a plot of land in the village for a period of five years, the only costs being legal fees."

PARKING in the village: NADFAS will be asked to re-circulate a map of parking places for its members.

A "car park" sign will be requested, so that visitors to the village are aware of the overflow car park by the White Hart pub.

The next parish council meeting is on November 10, at 7.30pm.

EVERGREENS: Earlier this month, the Evergreens held a harvest festival.

The Rev Bob Politt took the service, and Peggy Willson played the piano.

Jean Wright said: "We auctioned the produce afterwards and it was very successful."

Other Evergreens events have included a recent trip to the apple farm at Mapledurham with tea near Henley on the way home.

At this Monday's meeting, Mr Atkinson will be talking to the group.

REUNION: Did you attend Sherfield School before it closed in 1957?

If you did you might like to note Saturday, November 13, as the reunion evening.

Cynthia Turvey said: "This year we are meeting at Longbridge Mill from 6pm."

For more information, call 882348.