HUNDREDS of dock workers in Southampton are to get half-price computers and bikes thanks to a secret tax break.

Southampton Container Terminals is offering its 600 staff the chance to get their hands on top of the range bikes and computers for up to 50 per cent below retail value.

The aim is to encourage staff to get fit by cycling to work and to take advantage of the educational possibilities offered by the Internet.

Just launched, the taxman backed scheme lets employees choose from a range of PC and laptop packages as well as selecting a leading brand bike from any of a number of local shops.

SCT buys the equipment and then leases it back to staff for between 18 months and three years by means of a monthly reduction in their salary.

The savings come from three different areas - the reduced salary means less income tax and National Insurance are paid while SCT can also claim back the VAT and pass the saving on to the employee.

Sarah Wilks, human resources manager at SCT, said: "We feel that a new PC will help our employees and their families to develop their IT skills as well as providing entertainment with educational possibilities.

"And we're sure that a new bike will save our employees money on travelling to and from work as well as getting them fit!" she added.

Employees will be able to sign up to take advantage of the scheme until November 24.

After this date they will then be able to go and pick up their equipment in-store or choose to have it delivered direct to their home.