JUMBLE tumble: The Ladies Section of the Royal British Legion, in Old Basing, is having a jumble tumble tomorrow, at the Legion Hall, Crown Lane, starting at 1.30pm.

There will be home-made cakes, teas, a tombola and a raffle.

NORTH Hampshire Ramblers Walk: Tony's cronies are leaving from the railway station, tomorrow, at 10.30am, for a six-mile trek, calling at Basingstoke Common, Old Basing village and the River Loddon.

Good walking boots and a great amount of stamina are required, because this week is Welcome to Walking Week.

TOMORROW: Is the last day for you to apply for money which was the profit from the carnival.

No telephone requests, no e-mails and no individuals can benefit.

The committee AGM will be held on October 18, which is when the money is to be shared.

The beneficiaries will be organisations within the parish.

NUT hunt: This starts at 2pm, tomorrow, when Ann Francis, and her merry men, will be at the play area by the Millstone pub to start their search of the hedgerows for hazelnuts.

Call Ann on 817637 and she will tell you about it.

WATER voles: This is the subject of a talk on Monday, at 8pm, in the parish rooms.

It is the first of the open meetings of the Churchyard Conservation Group.

An eminent speaker on the subject, Chris Matcham, of Surrey Wildlife Trust, will be there.

There is no admission fee, and is a great opportunity for the children to see and hear more about this endangered species.