INDOOR market: As usual, in the Village Club tomorrow, from 9.30am.

HARVEST Festival: The annual harvest thanksgiving will be held in St Mary's Church, this Sunday, at 10am, and will be very much a family service with the church decorated appropriately.

FOOTPATHS: To give members of the group a chance to attend the service, the footpath work-in will take place on Sunday afternoon.

Meet at the Village Club at 2pm.

SINGERS: The Kingsclere Singers are performing tomorrow at Silchester Parish Church, and welcome any support from Kingsclere. Call Hazel O'Leary on 0118 9700256 for details.

PARISH council: Has its monthly meeting at the Village Club on Monday at 7.30pm.

BIG dig: The excavation at Tidgrove Warren is over for this year, but they have amassed a wealth of finds demonstrating both Iron Age and Roman occupation of the site.

Sadly, there are no mosaic pavements, but there is room for much further exploration before the full extent is known.

The video, being made by Len Webb, will be available for showing in the autumn.

EXHIBITION: "This is Kingsclere" is an exhibition to be staged at the Fieldgate Centre on Saturday, October 23, at a time to be agreed but probably noon to 6pm.

When we were judged for Village of the Year we asked organisations to provide displays of their activities and everyone who manned a stall was astounded to see how much went on in Kingsclere.

We were asked if we could restage the exhibition, making it open to all.

"This is Kingsclere" is the response and all village organisations are being asked to participate.