GOODBYE: Sadly for Hook, we said goodbye to Grahame North last Friday, manager of the village pharmacy.

After many years here he is moving on to another branch. Grahame was well liked by his many customers and admired for his "bedside manner" and advice for everything from bee stings to bed sores.

He was also one of the main organisers of the annual Hook Christmas Cracker, and will be missed for his inspiration and enthusiasm.

He is moving on to a more peaceful life in the wilds of the New Forest. We wish him all the best in his new venture.

In the meantime, there will be a locum looking after the pharmacy while we await a new permanent manager.

HARVEST: As we are busy picking blackberries and starting to brush up the fallen leaves, autumn and harvest time is here once again.

Looking ahead to next week, there will be a Harvest Praise at St John's Church on Sunday, October 3, at 10am.

There will be a collection of non-perishable foodstuffs for May Place House, helping homeless people in the Basingstoke area.

There will also be a Choral Evensong at 6.30pm, followed by the traditional bring-and-share harvest supper.

Now is the time to sort out any tins or packets of food that you can spare to bring along to the church.