WOODS Lane development: The village wants its voice to be heard as far as the proposed development of 24 houses (Broadview Development) in Woods Lane is concerned.

Therefore, please go along to the site viewing by the development control committee, between 8am and 9am on Friday, October 1.

This is an opportunity for the village to show the strength of its feelings about this inappropriate development - a development that could be the thin end of the wedge!

OPEN day: Tomorrow, Cliddesden Community Conservation Group invites you to its open day in the Millennium Village Hall, from noon to 5pm.

JUMBLE sale: St Leonard's Church is having a fund-raising jumble sale on Sunday, October 17, in the hall, from 2pm to 3.30pm.

If you have items for the sale, please deliver them to Georgina White, or to the hall, after 11am, on the day of the sale.