AN EASTLEIGH funeral director is defying the vandals who last year wrecked his floral display by staging an even bigger flower power show.

The Daily Echo revealed how Paul Capper was left sickened when hooligans caused around £300 worth of damage after trashing the beautiful and much-admired floral display outside his premises in Leigh Road in September 2003.

Flowers from the prize-winning display, cultivated by Mr Capper himself, were callously sprayed with detergent and lay wilting in their pots.

A hedge nurtured to grow in the shape of a dolphin jumping through a hoop was also stolen.

The extent of the vandalism shocked local people and Mr Capper's phone was jammed with calls of support. Mr Capper had planned to use the display to raise money to buy a guide dog with a sign saying: "If you've enjoyed seeing our flowers think of those who can't."

But the malicious attack has not stopped the independent funeral director from cultivating an even mightier bunch of blooms this time round and the company has selected Hampshire Association for the Care of the Blind as their charity.

He said: "We will never be deterred from putting up the display and the fact that it is bigger this year is mainly in defiance of the vandals. So many people like the fact that it is so colourful outside - no one likes going to a funeral parlour but if it looks a bit cheery on the outside then it always helps."

The new floral show will be officially launched on Thursday, August 26.